As our time runs unbelievably short here in our new community at Bird Bay Village and I look forward to reconnecting with my neighborhood at home, I’m thinking about how important a sense of connection through community truly is.
Moving In
It was New Year’s Eve when we first popped open the hatchback of our packed-to-the-ceiling Subaru. Linda and Steph introduced themselves and pointed us toward the grocery carts we could use to move our stuff upstairs. Karl told us we had the best parking spot in the whole place. Over the next few days, there was a college move-in day feel in the air. “You’re back!” was the constant refrain as friends greeted each other.
People Connectors
At the pool, Linda and Steph introduced me to Barb, a lady with the prettiest gray bob I’ve ever seen, who was excited about the excellence of the MWF 8:00 A.M. yoga class, with specific emphasis on the specialness of Joan, the teacher. “You should try it,” Barb said.
On our very first class, BF and I unrolled our mats next to Jan & Mike who turned out to be friends with guess who? Linda & Steph, who would turn out to be our friends and connectors over the next three months. Call it the butterfly effect, networking, connections, fate, but a heck of a lot more has come from that yoga class than increased flexibility and a new level of balancing practice.
All Because of Yoga
I met Deb at yoga, who was a pickleball player with whom I’ve played many times and who has introduced us to other pickleballers who have introduced us to others.
Walking out of yoga one morning, we chatted with Mel who told us about her community back home in South Carolina. Interested, we decided to take a slight detour on the way home and signed up for the 2-night package where they will introduce us to yet another new community.
And then there’s Joan, the incredibly sweet soul who is a dang, good yoga instructor. Barb was right about that. It was Joan who told us about the Venice Garden Club Tour that led us to the metal sculpture artist, Debbie, who allowed us to visit her home to see her work. It didn’t take me long, as we talked about life and art and angels and beliefs and writing and her writing group, to realize Debbie was a kindred spirit. It was magical.
And then Joan told us that more of Debbie’s artwork was on display at the Meditation Garden at Unity Church.

That first yoga class wound around and around and landed me in the garden where I took all the photos for this blog and experienced a wonderful walking meditation. And to so many other adventures and friendships.
Most of us have experienced the magic of connection through community. We know how important it is, and we’ve experienced sadness when it’s missing. We even have a word for it: homesickness.
One of my goals with this blog is to establish a positive online community for spreading fun, joy, and friendship. There is a wooden sign in the meditation garden at Unity Church, “May Peace Prevail On Earth.” I believe if we ever reach this, it will be through the unity in community. May we enjoy a sense of community where we live, play, and work.

I’m glad I got to experience your Florida community! It’s amazing how people find each other no matter where we are.