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Fun and Freedom


I love the extended usage of the word Bravo! here. My connotation of the word has been limited to...

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I'm reading Zorba The Greek for my class. I vaguely remember seeing the movie on "Sunday at the...

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Greek Time

Time--I'm totally out of synch with the Greek world. Vurtually everyone sleeps in. Bakeries are...

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Super Sunday

My kind of day. Early morning walk, laundry, tidied my nest, researched for a paper I'm writing,...

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Debi Dixon

Debi Dixon

The Universe is guiding me on an incredible adventure: my Plan B. I write here to share bits of my Odyssey, hopefully to inspire, encourage, or extend the virtual hand of friendship.

When I quit teaching in 2014, I could never have imagined the growth I would experience through travel, writing, reading, therapy, and introspection.

I believe human connection and compassion will go a long way toward our healing, and the best way to connect and feel compassion for one another is through the sharing of our stories.

Thank you for joining me here. I appreciate you and may we grow together.

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