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Hi Ho, Hi Ho, It’s off to Work I Go . .
August 15, 2009

It’s been awhile since I’ve claimed the time for myself to sit down and write. I miss it. I predicted this would happen as I eased back into life as I knew it before cancer made its impromptu visit into my schedule and normal ceased. I used to wonder if I’d be able to entertain myself if I retired. The answer is a resounding yes! If I learned nothing else from my treatment and recovery time, I know that entertaining myself will not pose a problem. You know, real life stuff like writing, yoga, naps, walks, vintage movies, lunch and coffee dates with friends, connecting with my peeps. It’s all good.

Other than working with young people, my favorite thing about my job is the cycle on which it runs. After a bit of a break in the summer, Fall arrives with an opportunity to start fresh and return to a regular routine and a schedule. I’m usually ready. During my last month of freedom, I squeezed in a trip to NY, a family vacation and a slumber party. The past couple of weeks have been a blur. With one week to go before the doors of CGHS opened for business and the 2009/2010 school year began, my room was still packed in boxes and I hadn’t begun to prepare for my return to the classroom.

Here I sit with the first week behind me. As a culminating exercise for Week One, I met with a group of my peers for laughs and a bottle of dry red at Mallow Run Winery. I chatted with one of my buddies as we left the empty building. He remarked how there’s no better feeling than the end of the day on a Friday, leaving the building, job well done, heading out to socialize with others who do what we do and the promise of a weekend. It’s that Friday feeling.

According to my school calendar, this school year will present me with That Friday Feeling 40 times. Following those Fridays, I’ll have 40 Saturday mornings: 19 first semester and 21 second semester. My goal is to allow myself that silent, uninterrupted hour or two that I covet for writing and reflection on each of those 40 Saturday mornings.

This past week, I saw tons of students and teachers whom I’ve sorely missed. Judging from their warm greetings and hugs, apparently they missed me too. After almost a full year off, I took my final step toward healthy and it’s good to be back at work. Besides that, as for Week One, I was a danged good teacher and that always feels good!

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Debi Dixon

Debi Dixon

The Universe is guiding me on an incredible adventure: my Plan B. I write here to share bits of my Odyssey, hopefully to inspire, encourage, or extend the virtual hand of friendship.

When I quit teaching in 2014, I could never have imagined the growth I would experience through travel, writing, reading, therapy, and introspection.

I believe human connection and compassion will go a long way toward our healing, and the best way to connect and feel compassion for one another is through the sharing of our stories.

Thank you for joining me here. I appreciate you and may we grow together.

Inspirational Quote

“You must give up the life you planned in order to have the life that is waiting for you.”
~Joseph Campbell

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