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High Risk
March 18, 2020

Strange times. Scary. Currently, I’m resting in my comfortable middle ground of taking Covid-19 seriously while not panicking. Our kids called to remind us that BF and I are both in the high-risk category.



A joke is going around about the absurd situation in which young adults find themselves asking their parents to stay home. There is truth in humor. “Debi,” they said to me, “Stop going to the grocery store!”

My gym is closed. No yoga for now. Looks like our upcoming dinner party is cancelled. I cancelled my trip to Florida. The groups I meet with monthly–cancelled. Trust me, I realize my list of losses here is globally inconsequential. Compared to many people . . . I got nothing!

My experience has taught me that within every bad situation, something good happens. That whole silver lining thing is real. I’d like to share a few truly beautiful things I’ve witnessed in the last couple of weeks.

Human connection. We’re hearing from our kids more and it feels different. More connected. I’m beginning to think they like us. I’m checking in with my sister, nieces, and first mother-in-law. In addition to the one we share with “The Whole Fam Damily,” (our kids), I have multiple extended family and friend-family text threads. They are busy these days.

Gratitude. Who among us has not stopped to be grateful for her health recently? Not to mention the bounty of our resources to stockpile black beans and rice, nut butter, and yes, toilet paper.

Oh gosh! I heard a funny joke about the whole T.P. hoarding thing. You’ve probably heard it by now, but it says the reason folks are hoarding toilet paper is because every time someone sneezes, everyone shits themselves. I think that’s funny, and is also a perfect segue to:

Creativity. People are having the pause to express creativity through humor, the arts, cooking, and being forced to think-outside-the box! My book club met via Zoom last night. I’ve seen a video of a virtual choir. Our neighbors printed shamrocks and hung them on their front doors so the kids could have a shamrock hunt yesterday afternoon.

Compassion. My neighborhood is full of it. That’s not a new thing around here, but it’s currently on high alert. One person is organizing a buddy system between our young and healthy and our elderly. Another is checking on kids who may be missing breakfast and lunch at school. We have a neighbor who runs a food pantry from her front porch. We are actually calling one another on the telephone! Even the majority of our lawmakers seem willing to take a break from politics-as-usual to have an open conversation about real-time, tangible help for our citizens who are facing real loss–food and shelter for their family–not the closing of their gym or favorite bar.

Generosity. Many of my teacher friends are offering time, tutoring, and guidance for parents and students who are navigating online education. Bazillionaires are pledging this and that. People are sharing what they have.

Yesterday, the sun was shining and I took a long walk with my neighbor, all the while, respecting the rules of social distancing. I chatted on the phone with one family member and one friend who are both in their 90’s. I watched the fox chase a squirrel up a tree in my back yard. The Eastern bluebirds are back. Life goes on. And it will, for most of us. And may we remember. Take with us to the future, the connection, gratitude, creativity, compassion, and generosity that is bubbling right now. What if not remembering is the highest risk category/behavior of all?


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  1. I live the comment about taking it seriously without panicking. Middle ground.

    Your blog gave me the idea of tutoring via internet. I’m not a teacher. However, I can certainly listen to kids read or help with basic math (always carry the 1!!) Thank you, Debi!! ??

    • Darn autocorrect!

  2. So glad to read your blog and all of the positivity. I have made similar observations, and I hope these practices become habits that will continue. Take care?


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Debi Dixon

Debi Dixon

The Universe is guiding me on an incredible adventure: my Plan B. I write here to share bits of my Odyssey, hopefully to inspire, encourage, or extend the virtual hand of friendship.

When I quit teaching in 2014, I could never have imagined the growth I would experience through travel, writing, reading, therapy, and introspection.

I believe human connection and compassion will go a long way toward our healing, and the best way to connect and feel compassion for one another is through the sharing of our stories.

Thank you for joining me here. I appreciate you and may we grow together.

Inspirational Quote

“You must give up the life you planned in order to have the life that is waiting for you.”
~Joseph Campbell

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