I’m way busier than the life to which I have grown accustomed. Busy to the point that I didn’t have an opportunity to write yesterday (bad thing). Busy, however, doing the things I most love (good thing).
My Thursday opened with a major gardening session. BF and I planted the much awaited shipment of flowers that finally arrived by UPS on Wednesday. Yes, I am the proud new owner of a cutting garden, strategically placed right outside my kitchen sink window. This is one of the few places in our yard that receive enough summer sun to keep flowers happy. I must admit that I was a wee bit disappointed in the vast difference between the gorgeous full blossoms displayed in the online catalogue and the puny root systems that arrived in the mail. Hey, I have hope. I’m betting we’ll actually see a bloom by July. They are all perennials, and we’re actually laying the ground work for next year. Talk about delayed gratification!
I spent the afternoon throwing together, and I mean throwing, a tiny hors d’oeuvres buffet for the 4:00 organizational meeting of my new book club about which I’m dying to write, but I can’t right now. I’m facing a time crunch as I chose to spend my morning at yoga and working on another writing project rather than packing myself for our Ohio weekend. BF and I are each attending church with our own mom’s for Mother’s Day. We depart in less than two hours and I’m in a bind; I must get my butt in gear.
I did realize one challenge at yoga this morning: the expectation that the student correctly produces her right or left limb upon command. This right/left thing takes some contemplation.
Have a wonderful weekend and may your celebration of Mother’s Day be to your liking!