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Live and Learn
February 18, 2021

For my 2021 morning hit of positivity and inspiration, I chose Journey to the Heart by Melody Beattie. I spent an inordinate amount of time on this decision. Because of, well, you know, 2020. For the upcoming 365, I would share my first cup of coffee with this book. I would depend upon its words to shake off funks of disappointment and anxiety about the future. It would serve as impetus for journaling and blogposts. I would recommend it to friends.

When I chose Journey to the Heart, I had no idea I’d take a thousand mile journey that would land me in a mobile home park, in a camper, in Florida, in shouting distance of kids and grandbaby, for two months. Nor did I know weeks into the study, a spiritual advisor would say, “Debi, you are on a journey of the heart.”

Monday, February 15, I read Beattie’s meditation about asking the universe for help. She suggests saying, out loud, “show me, guide me, lead me, help me. Talk to the universe,” she writes, “Ask it for help. Then listen to your heart. Because that quiet voice, the one in your heart, is how the universe talks to you.”

Later that morning, BF and I were peddling down the Legacy Trail chatting about the lessons we’ve learned on this trip. Like how little space and how few things we need to be happy. The joy of “living” near family and creative ways to make that happen. We’ve learned the joy of opening one’s mind to new places and new ways of doing things. We’ve learned the value of wintertime sunshine and exercise. We’ve re-affirmed the law of attraction and the power of setting intentions. We’ve learned we can be together–in a tiny space–week after week, and still like each other.

Our conversation morphed into brainstorming ideas for our next adventure. I asked the universe for guidance. Aloud. Just like Melody said.

Eventually, we stopped along the trail for water and a break from the headwind we were riding into. I noticed the plaque on a bench. “Live and Learn,” it said.

So, the universe speaks to me through that still small voice and through plaques on park benches. And through other RV-ers we meet. And through spiritual advisors and people’s tee shirts and bumper stickers and even social media. And through the joy in my heart.

May I live and learn. Today. Tomorrow. Always.

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  1. Your writings are always so inspiring. I admire your strength and courage and the hope you give others.
    Thank you for sharing?

  2. I love this post! At your suggestion, I bought the Melody Beattie book. I have been enjoying it as a daily source of inspiration. I like thinking of you sitting with coffee reading it, too. My adventures haven’t taken much form yet, but I still have dreams that my day will come again. Hopefully, the vaccine will be effective— I’m counting on some activities returning to a bit of normalcy! Glad you are having a good visit with Lily! These are the definitely the years to bond with her. My blessings and bonds from the grands’ preschool years carry on even during this unwelcome period of separation. Our relationships have taken a different form, and school changes the availability, too, but our love is strong. Stay well dear friend! See you soon. Let’s try to zoom next week. Joyce

    Sent from my iPhone



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Debi Dixon

Debi Dixon

The Universe is guiding me on an incredible adventure: my Plan B. I write here to share bits of my Odyssey, hopefully to inspire, encourage, or extend the virtual hand of friendship.

When I quit teaching in 2014, I could never have imagined the growth I would experience through travel, writing, reading, therapy, and introspection.

I believe human connection and compassion will go a long way toward our healing, and the best way to connect and feel compassion for one another is through the sharing of our stories.

Thank you for joining me here. I appreciate you and may we grow together.

Inspirational Quote

“You must give up the life you planned in order to have the life that is waiting for you.”
~Joseph Campbell

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