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December 2, 2014

It’s quiet.  My first waking thought this morning was “Oh yeah, everyone’s gone.”  And there is not one thing I have to do today. The beds are all re-made, extension leaves for the dining room table are stored away, and this will be the final day for left-overs.  Memories made.

Was it perfect?  Ummmmm, we’re human.  Was it wonderful?  You betcha!

Do I miss them?  Yes.  Am I happy they each have fulfilling lives to return to?  Double yes.  Am I happy I have a fulfilling life separate from my role as mother, step-mother, mother-in-law, family planner and host of holidays?  Triple yes!

This year we celebrated Thanksmas with our blended bunch of seven adult “kids.”  They amaze me.  Even if they weren’t “ours,” they are wonderful, caring individuals.  I could ask for nothing more.

photo (5)I believe in The Law of Attraction and manifesting through positive thoughts.  I manifested a gorgeous table for our Thanksgiving meal by pulling pictures from magazines which I set on the table weeks ago.  It was important to me to use my china and the silver I inherited from my mother last year.  I dreamed of white flowers since we were celebrating both Christmas and Thanksgiving this year.  It happened.

Mostly, I set an intention for manifesting love.  We were all together for the holiday for the first time in a few years, and I so wanted our time together to be special.  I wrote an affirmation: “May all who walk through the door and into our home, leave feeling loved.”  I believe that happened.  And if it did, I consider this holiday a HUGE success.

I continue to send positive thoughts to my loved ones, but for today, I enjoy the silence.

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Debi Dixon

Debi Dixon

The Universe is guiding me on an incredible adventure: my Plan B. I write here to share bits of my Odyssey, hopefully to inspire, encourage, or extend the virtual hand of friendship.

When I quit teaching in 2014, I could never have imagined the growth I would experience through travel, writing, reading, therapy, and introspection.

I believe human connection and compassion will go a long way toward our healing, and the best way to connect and feel compassion for one another is through the sharing of our stories.

Thank you for joining me here. I appreciate you and may we grow together.

Inspirational Quote

“You must give up the life you planned in order to have the life that is waiting for you.”
~Joseph Campbell

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