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Athens from the Rooftop
June 2, 2011

Last night we attended the graduation ceremony for the UIndy Athens Campus at a fancy hotel ballroom. It was a treat. We were handed formal invitations the day we arrived and were told several times by several people, “Dress up. It’s a formal occasion.” And that it was. In many ways, it was quite like any other graduation, but there were enough diversions from “our norm” to entertain me.

First, the people watching value was off the charts. I’m pretty sure my Jessica would be willing to commit a major crime for half of the stilettos in that room. Watching the women arrive and walk into the room, was tantamount to The Oscar’s Red Carpet. I have little hope that my mouth was not hanging open. Beautiful students, beautifully adorned, studied a seating chart and escorted local dignitaries and Ambassadors to their seats. They later received awards and accalaides. A representative from the Special Olympics, which takes place here in Athens this summer, made a short speech.

I sat with Jamilla, my new friend who also attends the Indianapolis Campus and we fought sleep through the many, many speeches and then got the giggles when an Ambasador who left early, nice award in hand, almost lost his pants because his belly was large enough to render his belt totally innefective.

Each graduate had his lone walk to the stage to receive her diploma and a kiss on each cheek from the President of the university. These are kissy, touchy, folks and it’s charming. Family members then met them as they came off of the stage with huge, beautiful boquets of flowers and more kisses.

Following the ceremony we were invited to the rooftop for a champaign reception. We could see the light of Athens and it was breathtaking.

I went to the pharmacy this morning to change out an antibiotic that was making me sick to my stomach, per instructions from my Indy doctor. As you know, I did not need a prescription to buy the antibiotics and furthermore, it cost me less than a euro. I was pleasantly surprised by the cost.

On my way back, I ran into a lovely Greek American woman who spoke flawless English and was in the process of opening her jewelry store. I liked her and teh wares she was placing in the window. I promised to return to pick up a little something for the girls, and she promised to help me plan some nice outings for when BF arrives.

Life is good. The adventure continues.

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Debi Dixon

Debi Dixon

The Universe is guiding me on an incredible adventure: my Plan B. I write here to share bits of my Odyssey, hopefully to inspire, encourage, or extend the virtual hand of friendship.

When I quit teaching in 2014, I could never have imagined the growth I would experience through travel, writing, reading, therapy, and introspection.

I believe human connection and compassion will go a long way toward our healing, and the best way to connect and feel compassion for one another is through the sharing of our stories.

Thank you for joining me here. I appreciate you and may we grow together.

Inspirational Quote

“You must give up the life you planned in order to have the life that is waiting for you.”
~Joseph Campbell

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