For as long as I can remember, November has been my favorite non-summer month. In a good year, like this one, Indiana Fall brings the glow of red and golden leaves highlighted by lots of sunshine. And then, November, still presenting occasional warm afternoons, progresses as a soft transition to sweaters and boots and all things winter.
Thanksgivings of My Childhood
November is my birthday month and a launch into the holiday season my family celebrates. When I was a child, our traditional Thanksgiving meal at Grandma Lietha’s house equaled quality cousin time and my absolute favorite foods: turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes and gravy, green beans, a relish tray with pickles and olives, yeast rolls, and pumpkin and pecan pie with Cool Whip. Gosh, that made me happy! And it still does.

Consider the color palette associated with November and Thanksgiving. I’ve had a life-long preference for beige, amber, gold, yellow, orange, and soft brown hues. Even in my food. There should be a crayon named “Perfectly Browned Turkey.” And another, “Mashed Potato Beige.” And my November birthstone, citrine, set in yellow gold–-just beautiful. I wonder if other people have a preference for the section of the color wheel that includes their birthstone?
Plant-Based Thanksgiving?
Last year, well into our plant-based lifestyle, BF and I, home alone for the holiday, fixed a special meal thinking all the delicious, traditional sides would make the absence of turkey virtually unnoticeable. Turns out this wasn’t true. We noticed. We tried our best, using china and drinking special wine, but I finally said the quiet part out loud, “That was the most pitiful Thanksgiving meal I’ve ever eaten.” And it was.
This year, my birthday actually falls on Thanksgiving and we’ll be in Denver with Jessica and plan to hike in Estes Park with BF’s cousin. And we’ve decided to enjoy turkey this year. And all the sides.
Happy Birthday to BF

But before all of that, our kids are coming together, in our home, this weekend, and I can’t wait! We celebrate BF’s November 3rd birthday–a big milestone birthday. We will be making trips to the airport, setting up air mattresses, spoiling two of our three grandkids, and going out for a celebratory dinner. I’ve been baking cookies and making to-do lists and planning the breakfast buffet. Love this stuff!
This brings me to the overarching theme of November: giving thanks. I’m a big believer in gratitude and giving thanks and I’ll take any reminder I can get to land in that space. Always does me good. Especially when I’m in no mood for it.
With several family birthdays in the month, the focus upon gratitude, and an opportunity to eat lots of beige food, it’s no wonder November is my favorite, non-summer month!
Do you know the children’s book, November, by Cynthia Rylant?
Sending you very best wishes for a joyful birthday and a happy, healthy new year!
Your blog stirred sweet memories of past Thanksgivings and reminded me to remain grateful to have had these opportunities rather than to mourn what cannot be.
Enjoy your family celebrations and each precious November moment?
May your upcoming birthday be the beginning of a year ahead filled with blessings!