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It’s All Greek To Me
June 12, 2011

You had to know I could not resist eventually using this title for a post. The phrase comes to mind often. Just when I think I’ve figured out a word, I see it spelled differently and someone explains to me “oh, that’s the same word in ancient Greek.” Most street signs and Metro stops are written in both Greek and English, but not always. The other day I watched some naughty school boys rip the big sticker off the Metro car that displayed the route and stops. They folded it up and took it. I guess that’s equivalent to stealing a street sign. They thought they were quite clever. I thought they were brats! It’s funny, I can’t understand a word they’re saying, but I can identify the ringleaders, smart mouths, and the followers. Kids are kids the world over.

I’ve had a time figuring out the washing machine. The words are all in Greek, of course, with no icons. I’ve managed to wash several loads of clothes that seem clean and dry quickly on our balcony, so I guess I’m okay with it. The air is so dry and the sun so hot that everything dries in about 20 minutes. I haven’t even bought a hair dryer because my hair dries so quickly and it looks okay. Good enough anyway. I decided early on not to invest the 30 euros in a hairdryer. I’d rather have a nice rooftop dinner.

Mary and I also discovered this morning that it’s easier to find a gyros and a cold beer at 9:00 on Sunday morning than a cooked breakfast. After searching multiple restaurants, we finally were sent to a place full of American tourists that served a Brittish style egg, bacon, and tomato breakfast. They even had “filter coffee” on the menu. Very Americanized.

I’m loving being this close to the seaside. On Friday, a friend and I rode the Metro to one of the many mainland beaches near Glyfada, just up the coast from Athens. It was completley different from the island beach I had visited last weekend, and took only an hour and less than two euros to get there. It was much less rocky, an actual sand beach. Same clear, blue, water but without the picturesque landscape.

***Skip to paragraph below.

This morning, we strolled through the flea market near Monastraki Square, and returned to the apartment just in time to miss a thunder storm. It’s cooling off the air, which is good as I plan to walkt to The Acropolis later with a friend. I must pack today too as we are taking a 3-day excursion with school, leaving in the morning. Looks quite interesting. Hope to write while I’m gone.

The adventure continues.

***Okay, this paragraph somehow jumped form the 5th paragraph (immediately following the other seaside paragraph to down here and I don’t know how and I don’t know why and I can’t cut and paste it back to where it belongs). This is pissing me off! Anyway, here it is and I think I may have lost another blog I wrote. I’m losing my patients here!
***Then on Sturday, Mary and I caught the Ferry back to my new favorite Island, Agristri. Once on the Island, we hired a taxi to take us to the beaches on the far side of the Island and it was a whole different experience yet. It was rocky and remote, and I’m pretty sure we were the only Americans there. There was a rocky hiking trail, primitive beach bar, camping area dotted with tiny tents and tons of frolicking, young, beautiful long-haired Greeks. It reminded me of a hippie commune only healthier. Mary and I were the oldest people there and defintely the only patrons who arrived in a taxi. The forrested areas, brilliant blue waters, and the rocks jutting from the waters made it all a travel-channel worthy scene.

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Debi Dixon

Debi Dixon

The Universe is guiding me on an incredible adventure: my Plan B. I write here to share bits of my Odyssey, hopefully to inspire, encourage, or extend the virtual hand of friendship.

When I quit teaching in 2014, I could never have imagined the growth I would experience through travel, writing, reading, therapy, and introspection.

I believe human connection and compassion will go a long way toward our healing, and the best way to connect and feel compassion for one another is through the sharing of our stories.

Thank you for joining me here. I appreciate you and may we grow together.

Inspirational Quote

“You must give up the life you planned in order to have the life that is waiting for you.”
~Joseph Campbell

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