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The Life That Is Waiting for Me
January 28, 2023

“We must be willing to let go of the life we planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us.”
― Joseph Campbell

Ah, the wisdom of Mr. Campbell. I believe him. The above quotation reflects a major lesson life has taught me. Heck, the title of this blog is Living Plan B. I know planning is somewhat of a myth, and at this point, I’m fairly adept at the large pivots. Even still, in 2023, at the age of 66, I continue to be sorely disappointed when my plans fall through.

Take this winter, for example. We made the choice to snowbird in Arizona instead of Florida, reasons being:

A 4-year-old and her 1-year-old brother reading a book together.
Afternoon Reading
Daddy, aunt and two children on a carousel ride.
Spending the day at the Zoo with Jessica, Michael, Adi, and Ben.
A Papa and his granddaughter on bikes with baby brother in wagon stroller.
Papa and Adi ride. Wonder what Ben is thinking!

My daughter-in-law is in nursing school, and I welcomed the opportunity to be the extra set of loving arms needed here.

BF is leaving from San Diego the 6th of March to ride his bicycle across the Southern Tier of America with Adventure Cycling.

Man riding his bicycle on an Arizona trail.
Arizona is a wonderful place to train for a cross-country bike ride.

My plan was . . .

Become quickly acclimated to the neighborhood and the time zone, play pickleball daily and walk and take yoga at least 3 days a week. Work out at the gym and enjoy random playtime with the grands, making Fridays with them a permanent date. To have sleepovers and share weekends. To enjoy the Arizona sunshine and stolen afternoons hanging out with the kids. To explore Arizona hiking. To read and write and make new friends.

My plan did NOT include . . .

Enduring the coldest, rainiest winter anyone around here can remember. Or being so sick, I’d move to the guest room to protect BF; the guest bedroom where I’d hole up, alone, for three weeks. Where I’d go through a box of tissues a day and bottles of cold medicine. Never did I dream I’d be searching for a doctor here. Or I’d come to feel as if I’d never rise from my bed and walk again. Definitely didn’t plan to cancel visits from the Colorado kid and the Chicago kids. To not have the energy to shower or walk to the mailbox.

I’m better now. Way less pitiful. I can reflect. I can be grateful I had planned to take January off from blogging because all forces of creativity or living anything share-worthy escaped me.

Looking Forward

My time here is half over. I’m finally feeling like myself and enjoying life again. The Colorado kid has come and gone, and the Chicago kids have been rescheduled. Each play date, shared meal, and Friday play day has been a treat. I’m getting a taste of what it’s like to live in the same area code as grandkids, and I like it.

Once again, I’m reminded to accept letting go of the life I planned. I don’t know if Joseph Campbell is only referencing the big stuff like when Plan A is shattered, and Plan B comes together with a happy ending. Also, I don’t interpret his message as to never make plans. We have to buy the plane tickets, right?

For now, I’m focusing on my willingness to let go. I still can’t make sense of losing a month due to puniness or to record-breaking cold temperatures, but I can vow to loosen my grip. To be present. To understand that I will, most likely, rise from my bed and walk.

I’m grateful I’m here. And I’m grateful to be open to the life that is waiting for me.

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  1. Debi, miss you both here in Florida, glad you are back to feeling like yourself. Take care!

    • We miss you and we miss Florida! Looks like you’re having great weather this year. Hope you guys are well!

  2. Hi Debi! We miss you here in Florida! So happy to see that you are feeling better and that Rick is going to go ahead with his ride. A few people have asked about you and wondering if he was still going to continue with his ride this year. Take care and be well. ?

    • Hi Linda! Yes, Rick is training and getting all set for his ride. Miss you and miss Florida! Best to Karl!

  3. Glad you are back and healthy!

    • Thank you, Joni! Hope you guys are well!

  4. Thankful that you are feeling better and able to reflect and share. I pray that you remember that you are strong, courageous and always remain filled with hope.

    • Thank you, Judy. And thank you for the beautiful reminder!


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Debi Dixon

Debi Dixon

The Universe is guiding me on an incredible adventure: my Plan B. I write here to share bits of my Odyssey, hopefully to inspire, encourage, or extend the virtual hand of friendship.

When I quit teaching in 2014, I could never have imagined the growth I would experience through travel, writing, reading, therapy, and introspection.

I believe human connection and compassion will go a long way toward our healing, and the best way to connect and feel compassion for one another is through the sharing of our stories.

Thank you for joining me here. I appreciate you and may we grow together.

Inspirational Quote

“You must give up the life you planned in order to have the life that is waiting for you.”
~Joseph Campbell

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