Welcome to my new website!
I’m excited and beyond grateful you’re here. My blog is growing up. She has a brand-new home of her own and I’ve hired a website fairy to take care of her.
Beginning of My Blogging Journey
I’ve been writing blogs off and on since I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2008, when at the suggestion of a fellow teacher at Center Grove High School, I opened a CaringBridge blog to update my friends and family.
Cancer lit a warrior spirit in me that overshadowed my fear of sending my writing out into the Universe. So what if I misplaced a comma or wrote something embarrassing; I was in the midst of a Stage II, grade III, chemotherapy-surgery-radiation battle. And thus, it began.
Six long months later, I graduated from CaringBridge to my first post on this blog, April 7, 2009, where I wrote that throughout my treatment, there were many days when writing was the only light in my day.
Declaring myself a “healthy blogger,” I was off to an enthusiastic start. But I often fell to times when I had nothing important about which to write and didn’t want to bore with accounts of my lunching. I’d become self-conscious about my rants driven by privilege and go silent. Low stats deflated me. But eventually, I always came back around.
Spirit of Fun and Adventure
As I skimmed and categorized nearly 200 past blogs for this new website, many brought me to tears, some jogged a sweet memory, but my true Aha! was the realization of how deeply I was missing my spirit of fun and adventure. A real “Oh Gosh! I remember her and I want her back!”
My happiest mornings are those that disappear in the drafting or editing of a blogpost. I love writing stories and I’ve grown to love sharing them. A few of you have been faithful followers since way back, and your kind words have been an encouragement. I love reading responses!
Nothing thrills like human connection made through a common experience.
Looking Into The Future
A firm believer in following what brings me joy, I’m investing in sprucing up this blog and bringing her out of hiding. If the Universe provides, may we build a wider community, a space to interact. Learn from each other. Grow together.
I appreciate you hanging with me all these years and for taking the time to read what I post. And now I have a favor to ask; please share. Invite others to join us. Help me grow this into a caring, sharing place.

May everything I write here be honest, kind, and in some way, uplift the energy of the Universe. May I be brave enough to be imperfect and wise enough to laugh off my mistakes. May I continue to mature in my thinking and in my writing. And above all else, may we, one and all, reconnect to our spirit of fun and adventure–or whatever it is that we’re missing.
Yay! I have really enjoyed your past blogs. I am all ears!
Hey, Laurie. I appreciate you!
I am so excited to read future postings, I love that the postings make me think!
Thanks, Cindy! Glad you’re here.
Can’t wait for the next entry! Think of you often?
Thanks, friend. I miss seeing you.
Looking forward to more frequent doses of Debi?
Thank you, Judy! You’ve always been with me, and I appreciate it.
Love you and your spirit …. Always have !
Thanks, Ellen!
Back at cha.