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I’m Back
June 18, 2014

So I was thinking . . . blog again?
I have the desire. I have the time. I have the know-how. I even have a new office/writing room I have created for myself.

But maybe it’s not a good time. I have a problem. I’m too happy. Things are going too well. I’m blessed. Amazed. Hitting on all cylinders. I’m not so sure folks enjoy reading another’s fortune and bliss.
My most successful blog ever—the one that gained the most reader attention was born from illness—breast cancer. Positive comments rained back to me as I shared a journey riddled with doctor appointments, diagnosis, bratty cussing fits, and reports of severe constipation and my bald head. Seems that those who knew me, and even some who did not, devoured that stuff.
But do people ever really enjoy reading accounts of a blissful journey as much as that of a life challenge? Not sure. And I say that completely, sans judgment.
Then I had a chance encounter with a teacher friend. True teachers are teachers whenever, wherever, and for whomever. Mr. M and I were standing in the parking lot of the administration building following a meeting. My last official meeting as an employee of the school corporation. As we were about to part, as if to say “When will I hear from you again?” he asked, “Are you on facebook?”
He encouraged me to open a facebook page and resume blogging.
I explained my dilemma: “I’m pondering blogging again, but I just don’t want to write about my “Mary Poppins” (practically perfect in every way) life and make everyone puke. Is anyone really interested in reading about how happy and fulfilled I am? Will they grow to hate me?”
“Do it,” he encouraged. And open a facebook page to direct people there.” He continued, “People want to read about any type of journey. And if you write something that doesn’t interest us, we don’t have to read that particular post.” He went on to explain that he had read every one of my “cancer journey” posts, and with great honesty, he explained, “I got sick of the cancer, just like you did.” And then he followed that statement with one  encouraging enough to prod me to take this step. Blog again.
I thanked him. “You know, you don’t have to be in a classroom to teach. You just taught me something right now. Right here in this parking lot.”
This one’s for you, Mr. M.  Thanks.

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  1. Hi Debi, enjoyed talking with you today at pickle ball! Already subscribed to the blog but again I’d be delighted to read your book. [email protected] … Gary Wells, Akron, OH

  2. Welcome back! Can’t wait to read about your journey!


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Debi Dixon

Debi Dixon

The Universe is guiding me on an incredible adventure: my Plan B. I write here to share bits of my Odyssey, hopefully to inspire, encourage, or extend the virtual hand of friendship.

When I quit teaching in 2014, I could never have imagined the growth I would experience through travel, writing, reading, therapy, and introspection.

I believe human connection and compassion will go a long way toward our healing, and the best way to connect and feel compassion for one another is through the sharing of our stories.

Thank you for joining me here. I appreciate you and may we grow together.

Inspirational Quote

“You must give up the life you planned in order to have the life that is waiting for you.”
~Joseph Campbell

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