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Living Plan B

“You must give up the life you planned in order to have the life that is waiting for you.”

~ Joseph Campbell

Just Joy

Just Joy

One of my core beliefs is--energetically speaking--what I send out, I get back. Another core belief of mine is, ...
High Hope

High Hope

It was born from a desire to "get back out there." To do something to make the world a better place as part of my ...


Things are blooming and ripening and coming out of their shells. For me, this Spring is about so much more than ...
On Feeling Better

On Feeling Better

Last time I wrote here, I admitted a sampling of the shame that accompanied my post-travel malaise and my week of ...
Confessions of a Brat

Confessions of a Brat

It's Saturday morning. One week ago, after two months in the Florida sunshine, I used a broom to lift the ...
Live and Learn

Live and Learn

For my 2021 morning hit of positivity and inspiration, I chose Journey to the Heart by Melody Beattie. I spent an ...


Most mornings, I cross the four lanes of Venice Avenue to walk the generous loop of a neighborhood I like. ...
A Map To The Arena

A Map To The Arena

New Year's Day did not disappoint. It was everything I would have designed for myself. Maybe that's because I did ...

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