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Living Plan B

“You must give up the life you planned in order to have the life that is waiting for you.”

~ Joseph Campbell

Loose Ends

Just returned from yoga. Wonderful! It was challenging partly because it's been two weeks since I felt like ...

Get Your Act Together!

"Listen to your body. Sleep when you're tired. Eat when you're hungry." The cancer treating mantra. Okay, it ...

Shots and Stuff

I included photos of the peonies BF brought home from his office last week to add something bright to this blog. I ...

If I’ve only one life, let me live it as a blond.

Remember that old Clairol commercial? As I recall, there was a sexy blond swirling her long locks as she ...

Mother’s Day

I'm finally getting around to writing about Mother's Day. I bet they thought I forgot. No way! Just hasn't been ...

A Wedding and a Parade

Last evening, BF and I attended the wedding of the son of his long-time friend, Brenda at The Madame Walker ...

Mrs. B

It is my belief that if we are living the life we're meant to live, caring for ourselves so others don't have to, ...

Eighty Minutes

Several years ago when I was a young widow searching for answers, trying to make sense out of my world, I visited ...

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