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Living Plan B

“You must give up the life you planned in order to have the life that is waiting for you.”

~ Joseph Campbell

A Sea of Pink

Overslept.Barely made our scheduled rendezvous with the Merry Crazies: 6:00 A.M., Kroger parking lot, Bluff and ...

The Best Twenty Bucks I’ve Ever Spent

Friday night is designated down time around here. In my younger years, Friday was a big night out. Now it's more ...

It’s an adventure!

Spring Break--one of the choice events afforded me by my teaching career! It is only Monday and I've already ...

Snow Day

The fourth best thing about being a teacher is the rare, random gift of a snow day. That would be fourth on the ...

Hell Week?

I could call it Hell Week, but that wouldn't be 100% accurate. I successfully completed my second week of ...

Hi Ho, Hi Ho, It’s off to Work I Go . .

It's been awhile since I've claimed the time for myself to sit down and write. I miss it. I predicted this would ...

Be Yourself

It's raining and the windows are open. I can hear and smell the rain. It's damp and slightly dark. I have no ...

9 to 5

We scored half priced tickets for 9 to 5 which was a fun, fun show.  Everything about it was high energy and well ...

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