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Living Plan B

“You must give up the life you planned in order to have the life that is waiting for you.”

~ Joseph Campbell

I’m back!

It's been half a year since I wrote here. Crazy. Time flies when you're busy with the stuff of life. I often tell ...

My Merry Crazies

It's a sisterhood, this breast cancer thing. We're all survivors. If you're ever in a restaurant and you see a ...

What Makes Me Happy

My View:Sharing my view with family:Delightful Meals:A Great Book: My BF:My Jessica!

Coincidence? Not a chance!

Things happen for a reason. I headed out this morning all prepared to Zumba, my new, fun exercise class. The ...

School’s Out!

Wednesday afternoon I closed the door on room #171 and another school year. Rather than the typical "last day of ...

One Thousand Ninety Miles

Just returned from another successful launch--kid launch that is. Drove Man Child, Michael to Disney World in ...

Dream Job

In 13 work days, I'll be living my actual Dream Job--A teacher during the summer months. For today I'm dreaming ...

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