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Living Plan B

“You must give up the life you planned in order to have the life that is waiting for you.”

~ Joseph Campbell

On Following Bliss and Four-Year-Old Friends

On Following Bliss and Four-Year-Old Friends

Life continues on the upswing here. Last week I reported on my poor and pitifulness. Today, I noticed I felt ...
The Life That Is Waiting for Me

The Life That Is Waiting for Me

"We must be willing to let go of the life we planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us.”― Joseph ...
Coincidence? Not A Chance!

Coincidence? Not A Chance!

It was Sunday morning, December 25th, 2022. Over coffee, and then breakfast, BF and I reminisced about the ...
I Found It!

I Found It!

Last week, I almost wrote a post about not feeling the Christmas Spirit, but thought better of it and wrote An Ode ...
An Ode to the Library

An Ode to the Library

Last Saturday, Michael and I took Adi to their local library. We were playing in the kid’s section when a nice ...
Wind Shifts and Angels

Wind Shifts and Angels

Picture the scene in a movie where the protagonist is walking through a park and, out of nowhere, a strong gust of ...
Adventure vs. Familiarity

Adventure vs. Familiarity

It is Thursday, December 1st, 2022, 11:10 A.M. Mountain Standard Time. I'm sitting at the table in our rented ...
A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words

A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words

Welcome to our latest adventure! Packed First Step in BF's Bicycle Journey The Many Hours of ...

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