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Living Plan B

“You must give up the life you planned in order to have the life that is waiting for you.”

~ Joseph Campbell

Timing’s Always Perfect

Timing’s Always Perfect

It's a phrase often tossed around in our home. "Oh, man, I wish I'd  _____________ a long time ago!" "Timing's ...
High Risk

High Risk

Strange times. Scary. Currently, I'm resting in my comfortable middle ground of taking Covid-19 seriously while ...
There Are No Principles Only Interests

There Are No Principles Only Interests

My late first husband often quoted one of his professors from Indiana University School of Optometry: "There are ...
Wolves and The Five-Minute Journal

Wolves and The Five-Minute Journal

Oh. My. Gosh! Were you raised by wolves? What did I do wrong? How could I have failed so miserably? Please tell ...


It's January 4th and I have yet to write my goals for 2020. I'm trying not to panic. I brought in the New Year ...
People Are Nice! Really, They Are!

People Are Nice! Really, They Are!

We marched into Von Maur armed with our list. We had perused Rick's closet and made a pile for Goodwill; assessed ...
Please Don’t Tell!

Please Don’t Tell!

"You mean like sewing?" "Yes, I mean like sewing with a needle and thread," I answered my daughter's question ...
Yellow Trauma

Yellow Trauma

My mantra for 2019: "Live life with the spirit of adventure." During my annual November meeting with my ...

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