Living Plan B
“You must give up the life you planned in order to have the life that is waiting for you.”
~ Joseph Campbell

Black Leggings and Paying it Forward
Random acts of kindness. Paying it forward. Love these concepts. They make the world a better place.
When my ...

Outside the Box Like a Fox
Friday morning BF and I awakened to a pair of red fox, mother and baby, frolicking in our back yard. We hid by the ...

Carmel by the Sea
I just returned from an inspiring writer's retreat at Carmel by the Sea, California, hosted by The Book Mama, ...

My New Love
I have a new love and it's an unlikely one: a television show. You have to understand that an accomplishment for ...

Good Housekeeping
I never quite know how to begin a post when it's been three months since I've written here. I like to avoid the ...

The Universe whispered and I listened. The miracle here is the "I listened" part. I believe the Universe sends us ...

Fall Conundrum
It's difficult to live in the Hoosier state and not be obsessed with the fall season. Pure heresy. So I mostly ...

One year and three months ago, I closed the door on my teaching career to pursue my dream of becoming a writer. A ...