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Living Plan B

“You must give up the life you planned in order to have the life that is waiting for you.”

~ Joseph Campbell

Times Like These Call for Breaking Something

Times Like These Call for Breaking Something

I should have known it was coming; all the signs were there. Easily irritated. Highly distracted. Total lack of ...
Jesus Would Puke

Jesus Would Puke

I’m writing this on Wednesday morning. May 25, 2022. By the time most of you read this, we’ll be on to other ...


I’m on a quest to live my best life. Find out who I am and be her. To live each day as if it were a bucket list, ...
The Answer is No

The Answer is No

I didn’t write about Mother’s Day last week. Truthfully, I kind of forgot about it, but when I was reading Maria ...
I Noticed Something Just Now

I Noticed Something Just Now

I’m sitting here looking at a painting on my office wall. It was painted by my brother-in-law from my first life, ...
This is Not Just an Excuse to Show You Pictures of My Grandkids

This is Not Just an Excuse to Show You Pictures of My Grandkids

This past week, I've been off Nana-ing with the Arizona grandkids and it has me thinking about life as a Nana. I ...
Thoughts on Thinking

Thoughts on Thinking

I keep running square into the idea that our thoughts create our reality. I heard one of my gurus talking about it ...


I've decided to use my 65 to 75-year-old decade to live a more informed, intuitive, authentic version of my 20's. Read this week's blog to find out what inspired me to redo my twenties.

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